Hi Guys!!
So I started prednisone after I saw my rheumy and got back on CellCept. Four pills a day! Anyway, the prednisone is a devil drug but it is also my hero. Sinuses and joint pain vanished.
Except,... Now there's this.
OnWednesday I could barely swallow. It felt like there was a spiked ball in my throat that caught on fire and wiggled when I tried to swallow. Yesterday, I felt generally off. My nose burned a little. Then my throat felt gunky and I kept coughing. I had taken the day off because I had to have a toenail removed (ouch) so I came home and vegged. Last night felt weird ...
Today my chest hurts, I'm coughing up thick clumpy yellow mucous, my nose is running and my throat hurts mainly from coughing.
My chest hurts BAD when I cough. My stomach now hurts too. I'm not coughing that much but when I do ... Whoooo boy!!
I'm thinking its just a run o the mill cold. I don't think a week on CellCept would make me immunosuppressed enough to have caught something bad.
Trying to decide if I take tomorrow off or if I'll be good to go to work.
Anyone else deal with bad colds on CellCept??

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