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Thread: Effects of my high fat/low carb diet

  1. #21
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    I used to fast when I was not on medications. It is a good practice. But now that I have to take meds it is not good to dump meds into an empty stomach. So my practice now is to do an apple fast. Apples have pectin which is also benificial to cleansing.

  2. #22
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    Talk to your doctor about calcium and vitamin d. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis of the hip and osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis) in my shoulders. The nurse practitioner at my medical group prescribed fosomax, and my doctor had a fit. Took me right off it and telling me that she did not like it, because the bone it regrew was not good strong bones, and resulted in serious fractures of the tibia. sure enough, a year or so later these fractures were all over the news. Anyway, she told me to start walking regularly and to take 1500 mg of calcium and 5000 mg of vitamin d every day. After a year of walking 3-5 miles a day, 4 times a week and taking the supplements as directed, my osteopenia disappeared and my osteoporosis was upgraded to osteopena. Yay! Of course, I am afraid to have it tested now. I have not been able to walk further than across the supermarket in a few months now, and have been on prednisone about 8times in the past year!

    SO glad to hear that you now have insurance. Can't imagine how you managed before! I have recently had to modify my no wheat rule. I simply cannot stand even the thought of meat or eggs for breakfast. I thought I was doing well by eating peanut butter on rice cakes. doctor tells me that rice cakes are the worst thing I could eat for sugar levels, especially when on pred. Evidently rice cakes are at the very top of the glycemic index. So....I buy organic white and wheat flour. I have a recipe for whole wheat bread in my bread machine that is fool proof. I eat one slice of it toasted in the morning with peanut butter. That lowered my glucose level from 98 to 83 in a weeks time. So guess I will stick to that. Do not plan to let my doctor know about the bread. She will have a fit. But it is that or starve in the morning.
    Jacquie (aka Lifelong Booknut)

    Updated status: "Honorary Weggie"

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by me2 View Post
    I used to fast when I was not on medications. It is a good practice. But now that I have to take meds it is not good to dump meds into an empty stomach. So my practice now is to do an apple fast. Apples have pectin which is also benificial to cleansing.
    Can you tell me the details of an apple fast? I have been doing a modified fast.I think it is Dr. Mercola who recommended it. I am not sure. Instead of doing a typical fast every few days, he does a 16 hour fast every day. This happens to work for me because I take my worst meds at breakfast and dinner. Since I am a very late riser, I generally have breakfast at 11 am. Then I eat dinner at around 5-6. I make sure that I have something substantial at about 7 pm. Then I stop eating until 11 the next morning. I NEVER thought I could do it...but it works for me. I have lost a few pounds and have no problem with the fasting hours. Would be interested in the apple fast concept. Thanks!
    Jacquie (aka Lifelong Booknut)

    Updated status: "Honorary Weggie"

  4. #24
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    Hi Jacquie,
    I can tell you what I have been doing . I have been doing a modified form of an apple fast. I actually do a real one from time to time but the modified seems to be working for me best now. What makes it modified is that I'm not eating just apples for two- three days , which is what would be considered an apple fast. I just randomly eat a meal or two meals on a given day that is just apples. I may not get the full benefits from just eating a meal or two a day as apples but I've become more of a compromiser than I used to be. If I get stronger and healthier I will do more of the three day fasts.

    I have been using apple fasts for over thirty years. I first got the idea from the work of Edgar Cayce. Science has now shown why it is a good idea. One benefit of an apple fast is removing heavy metals from the body like mercury. I read about some recent scientific work done showing that the apple was stellar at this- they were surprised. I was not.

    I just now looked through a few online articles on the subject and this web page seems to best explain my understanding and experience:

    Apple Detox | Leslie Kenton's Healthy And Lean For Life

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by me2 View Post
    Hi Jacquie,
    I can tell you what I have been doing . I have been doing a modified form of an apple fast. I actually do a real one from time to time but the modified seems to be working for me best now. What makes it modified is that I'm not eating just apples for two- three days , which is what would be considered an apple fast. I just randomly eat a meal or two meals on a given day that is just apples. I may not get the full benefits from just eating a meal or two a day as apples but I've become more of a compromiser than I used to be. If I get stronger and healthier I will do more of the three day fasts.

    I have been using apple fasts for over thirty years. I first got the idea from the work of Edgar Cayce. Science has now shown why it is a good idea. One benefit of an apple fast is removing heavy metals from the body like mercury. I read about some recent scientific work done showing that the apple was stellar at this- they were surprised. I was not.

    I just now looked through a few online articles on the subject and this web page seems to best explain my understanding and experience:

    Apple Detox | Leslie Kenton's Healthy And Lean For Life

    Thanks for the info! I will have a look at the link.
    Jacquie (aka Lifelong Booknut)

    Updated status: "Honorary Weggie"

  6. #26
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    NAC (N-Acetylcystein) 600mg 2x's per day and keeping vitamin D levels between the optimum range of 60-80 ng/mL has helped my mom for years.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCC View Post
    Did you look at the link I posted?

    Nothing will convince me that lots of butter, meat and cream is a good thing. You will end up swapping autoimmune disease for heart problems I agree with Lisa that dairy is for calves, not humans. Read this about kids especially and dairy:

    I believe the best diet for health is vegan. No animal products, healthy carbs and lots of veg and fruit

    The "high fat diets cause heart disease" meme is now almost but not completely conclusively proven to be a FURFY (probably thanks to the food, mostly sugar, industry).

    Demonstrably, eating high fat/high cholesterol food, does NOT cause your veins and arteries to clog up. (this is now proven science)

    Your body PRODUCES far more cholesterol than you consume (for 99.9 something percent of the population). (another science fact)

    Cholesterol in your veins is a SYMPTOM of chronic inflammation, NOT a cause of ANY disease. (another fact, that the medical industry is finally starting to admit)

    Sure there are issues with high-protein diets and kidney issues, and mumble-something calcium issues....

    But life is a balancing act, too much oxygen WILL kill you (quickly) ditto too much water. That does NOT make either oxygen or water "bad for you" nor does it make "lots of ..." bad for you either, but everything has a "too much" level.

    Seriously folks, RUN away from ANY Medical professional who says rubbish blanket statements like "high fat diets cause heart disease and will kill you", they're dinosaurs living on the vestiges of victorian-era medical science. THEY ARE IN FLAT-OUT DENIAL OF KNOWN CURRENT MEDICAL SCIENCE.

    FACT: trans-fats are toxic and will kill you.

    FACT: ditto margarine.

    FACT: a decent amount of "animal fats" in your diet is the nectar of the gods to your biology, it's REALLY hard to have too much (aside from the obvious calorie intake issue), because 'normally' your body rapidly goes "urgh" (so listen to it).

    FACT: freely available carbs (starchy food, 'pure carb' food, processed sugary food) are ASTRONOMICALLY more toxic to your biology than just about ANY "fat", ever. (please note, I'm mostly but not quite exclusively talking about modern processed food that has/is starch/carbs/sugar - eating "sugary" fruit/vegetables is WAY less toxic, due to (a) less actual sugar/carbs, (b) typically more complex, (c) has fibre, (d) has other nutrients (e) your body says "too much" fairly quickly (f) in processed food we DELIBERATELY add ingredients to mask our natural "urgh too much sugar" reactions *specifically* so that the product will sell more in an "addictive" fashion, etc, etc, etc)

    FACT: even worse are foods high in BOTH sugar and fat (apparently it magically bypasses your natural "that's enough of that" reflex, and you ALWAYS want more) {chocolate? eclairs? glazed donuts? ice-cream?}

    FACT: calorie restriction (either long-term reasonably-low calorie dieting, or periodic "intermittent fasting") makes HUGE improvements in a wide range of biological markers as tracked in blood tests, people live longer, have less health issues....

    SUMMARY: eat less sugar/carbs, eat more "animal fats", eat less all the time ("millions of starving in Africa/etc" can ignore this, I'm talking to modern middle-class western society - ALMOST all of us "eat more than we should") or do the intermittent fasting thing - and live a longer , healthier, and happier life.

    CAUTION: your GP will probably HATE you for it, if they can remember your name (you'll be visiting them a LOT less).
    Last edited by Pierre42; 09-06-2014 at 01:20 PM.

  8. #28
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    I think a vegan diet CAN be healthy....but it is hard to get the fat our brains need. I have done a great deal of research on the subject...and the high fat/high cholesterol hypothesis of the past decades was based on very shaky science. I am living proof. Although my bad cholesterol went up a little on my diet at first, it eventually went down below my pre-diet numbers. And my triglyceride and good cholesterol numbers are awesome. My doctor did not realize that I had followed her dietary advice...but when she looked at my lab reports she knew right away that i had changed my eating habits. The fake fats and extreme amounts of sugar and carbs in processed food is wrecking our health. Home cooking with fresh foods, and grass fed meat and pasture raised chicken and eggs from pasture raised eggs is a great way to go. Once you get used to it....a box of Kraft Mac n Cheese looks and tastes about as healthy as a bag of circus peanuts! :-)
    Jacquie (aka Lifelong Booknut)

    Updated status: "Honorary Weggie"

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