Quote Originally Posted by LisaT View Post
We (those of us who are half of a couple) certainly do! I've lived both on my own and in relationships including marriage--each has its pros and cons, but I have at times felt more lonely with a partner sitting right next to me than when I've been alone... Like in Lilly's original post about her husband just heading downstairs to do his own thing and ignoring/minimizing her pain. When you are feeling misunderstanding, criticism, lack of empathy, etc. from the person who is supposed to be your biggest supporter, it can be very lonely, just a different kind of loneliness. I would not trade my family for anything, but I sometimes long for a day where nobody judges or misunderstands or makes demands on me, or even silently notices what I haven't done... And I silently notice them silently noticing.... Or completely minimizes my pain and negates my experience by a blanket denial like, "oh, I'm sure it's nothing and you'll be fine..." Um, no, it's NOT nothing and there's no guarantee that I will be fine.

Oops, did I accidentally rant for a minute there?!? Just a little window to the grass on the other side of the fence. I certainly feel for you, Ackerman, and everything you've been through. I hope you are able to make some more connections with people and feel more supported in your journey. Great idea to provide information to friends; hopefully some will understand. It's amazing how much it can help when even one person tries their best to 'get it' and support you. The pub with live bands is a good idea too. Maybe you'll meet someone there who shares your interests. And this forum is amazing. I have quickly become addicted because nowhere else do people so completely understand what I'm going through... I hear you though about needing some in-person contact and I hope you find it. I wonder whether there are any support groups in your area? Arthritis, Wegs or even autoimmune diseases generally... That might be worth trying.
Hi Lisa, thanks for your advice about types of groups in my area, I will certainly give them a try.
I always keep my eye out when I'm at the band gigs and motorbike do's, I think I'm more impatient the older I get
Don't worry about having a rant, I do quite often, and feel much better for it Acker