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Thread: Pneumonia Vaccine - who gets it?

  1. #41
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    Maybe I'm lucky, because I have not one... But two friends who are pharmacists. I can always poke their brains for information if I need it.

  2. #42
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    Same here. I have 5 friends that are pharmacists and about 15 friends that are med specialists in varying fields. Unfortunately both sides are taught by the drug companies.
    Phil Berggren, dx 2003

  3. #43
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    It seems like most Weggies who have gotten the flu shot suffered no ill effects from it. But I have to listen also to those who said it caused a flare for them or even that it triggered their Wegs initially. Of course, the flu could also trigger Wegs, I suppose. But I feel that Wegs is such a mysterious and unpredictable disease, and even the top experts don't know for sure what causes it, although they have some educated theories, but how do they really know that a flu shot might not trigger Wegs? I also think the drug companies could have a large part in promoting flu shots and their usefulness could be overblown. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that they "train" doctors, but there could be something to that, too. I figure since my doc says it won't do much anyway in my immunosuppressed state, why bother and take the risk that something weird might happen? However, I have nothing against anyone else deciding to get the shot and believe that most of you will have no problems with it.
    Anne, dx'ed April 2011

  4. #44
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    Well, theoretically one would think there would be a risk associated with exciting our immune systems (whatever is left of them) in any way. However, I think it's a matter of picking the lesser evil... It would be a much greater response if you were to get the flu, then the flu shot which is most certain. I work with people (and touch them!) everyday; plus there is a doctor's office in my building. So for me, it makes sense to try and protect myself.

    I know some of you have jobs where you aren't "exposed" and/or can avoid people - so in that case if you're not going to be exposed to any baddies it wouldn't be such a big deal.

    And I agree with you Anne.. To each their own. However my Dr put in an order for me to have the shots. I am not sure if one can go against this; as I was contacted by NB health to go have them done. If I said no they might have thrown me in the loonie bin! LOL

  5. #45
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    Strange, at the beginning of my WG treatment, my doc had me quit my allergy shots, I'm not sure why, but he said something like he didn't see any sense in "sticking me with needles" . Yet he thinks I should get the flu shot. Well, since he isn't a WG expert, I don't put that much credence in what he says about it... maybe that's why I'm resisting it. And he didn't do anything like putting in an order; it's up to me to do it or not.

    I completely see your point, Carrie, about being around lots of people and therefore more at risk. If I were a schoolteacher, for example, I'd probably be nuts not to get one. I am actually around lots of people at the farmers market where I sell my pottery. But it is outdoors, which makes the germs seem less confined and more likely to float away. I am careful. But it is cold down there this time of year, which I suppose increases my risk of getting sick.

    Maybe it's just that I hate getting shots and am looking for any excuse not to!
    Anne, dx'ed April 2011

  6. #46
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    I thought about a career change.. But I really don't know what else I could do. I'd love to be able to do some graphic design... But no one wants to hire someone who is self-taught. Oh well.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by carriej22 View Post
    I thought about a career change.. But I really don't know what else I could do. I'd love to be able to do some graphic design... But no one wants to hire someone who is self-taught. Oh well.
    Maybe someone will stumble upon you and want to hire you for that someday. And who could have known you'd be getting Wegs and it would be as much of an issue in the first place.
    Anne, dx'ed April 2011

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alysia View Post
    thank you so much Marta for your wide and clear explanation
    my doc also told me that the flu shot is not effective with rtx, but he didnt explain why.
    Alysia, my pleasure.

    I know we have to make some weighty decisions with this disease but we need to make them with a clear understanding of the real threats, not just what the doctors are used to saying to every other patient. Like I said, I'm exposed to stuff from the petri dish known as elementary school every day... and I've had some doozies as far as colds and flus go, but I've come out of them fine. They linger a little longer in my case because I don't have the immune system (or immune memory) to fight them off as efficiently, but I'm still here. I don't get them often because I practice other healthy habits that are more efficient at keeping them at bay than getting a flu shot.
    Having a flare and starting this WG treatment ride from square one however scares the crap out of me, and knowing that with each flare the chances of beating it down decrease, I'm completely and totally not interested in taking that risk by jabbing myself with any vaccine that has become the cool new thing in the last decade - like the flu shot and like the shingles shot and like the pneumonia shot among others. I don't want to be a guinea pig anymore. I've been collateral damage already and that's why am on this forum in the first place.

    But that's the beautiful thing about living in a free country, we all get to make our own decisions and we all get to live with the consequences of said decisions.

    May we all live long, healthy, happy lives and never have to see the wrong end of a CTX or RTX treatment again.
    Last edited by marta; 12-05-2013 at 04:14 PM.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by drz View Post
    I have often wondered why most countries won't let GMO food or even crops into their country, but in USA and Canada they aren't even required to tell us that it is an ingredient in our food and it seems present in most of our food now. The rapid increase in AI diseases in past couple decades must correlate with some causal factor even though no one seems sure what it is.
    I totally agree drz, but there is a pretty good explanation I think. Lobby groups with lots of money have lots of power for one, but there are other connections that make conspiracy theorists jump with joy, many of the folks sitting on boards of GMO companies also sit on Federal boards like the FDA. Too much loving in the back benches I think... ha ha. just as an example, but if you Google Monsanto and FDA - together, lots and lots of stuff comes up. Monsanto even had some interests in Big Pharma which would make a conspiracy theorist clap with glee at the connection. I'm not one, although I can see how I would sound like one, I just don't like to eat the popular media gruel without giving it a second thought.

    Aluminum cap signing off.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by carriej22 View Post
    I thought about a career change.. But I really don't know what else I could do. I'd love to be able to do some graphic design... But no one wants to hire someone who is self-taught. Oh well.
    Hey, I'm a graphic designer and had my own business, and ran a newspaper and worked for a federal agency where my job was graphic design, and I have never stepped inside a school to take a single graphic design course, so I think if that's what you want to do, then that's what you should do. Here are a couple of examples of logos I've done - just to whet your appetite:
    Ski Marmot Basin - Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (my logo)
    Wild Mountain: Explore Your Wild (my logo) (my logo)

    I have a ton more but can't think off hand where they reside... I'm a bit brain dead...

    My point - you don't need a fancy degree. If you know what you're doing, you can do it. It's a fantastic job to have where you don't have to be in an office. I think you should go for it. Do a few jobs for free to start and get your name out and see where that takes you. It worked for me. I've done brochures (out my ying-yang - i.e. lots and lots and lots of them) and had the whole advertising schedules for businesses, so I did all of their print ads both newspaper and magazine. I've done book design for people. I'm working on a temporary (4 month installation) museum exhibit right now, and people are coming up to me regularly asking me to work for them. In fact, if you like I can pass some work your way next time I get approached. That way you can get your feet wet in the biz if you like. Just say the word.


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