I always had varicose veins, too. Really big, even in my 20's. Also, my inner ankles have looked like an old woman's since my early 30's. (Ain't that a pretty picture?) It's a combo of genetic predisposition and liver congestion.

Varicosities (bulging) occur in superficial veins-- so we can see them. Blood clots occur in deep veins. They're known as "Deep Vein Thrombosis" or DVT.

DVTs are not common with Wegs, but they're not rare, either. Recent research (the last 2-3 years) is finally recognizing the connection. The general theory is that global inflammation also causes the vein lining to be inflamed. This sets off a chain of events causing the blood to clot there.

When I got clots in '06 my doctors (not Wegs docs) were completely puzzled. Now I've learned that clots are more likely if the Wegs is active--particularly if the inflammation levels are high. I was in the ICU with hemorrhaging lungs, so....

My clots were as severe as they get-- my legs and lungs were literally packed with them. One clot in my leg was the entire length of my thigh and the thickness of my pinky. Given the severity, I'll have to be on blood thinners for life. The risk of recurrent clots is very high in anyone who's had even one clot. Throw in the uncertainty of Wegs, and the risk is too high.

As a holistic doc, I believe there's a connection between varicosities and Wegs. They're both blood vessel disorders after all. I wonder how many of us on here had varicosities or spider veins before Wegs?

Lisa, what are your "nasty clot type symptoms?" It's something you need checked immediately-- like today.