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Thread: Anti Inflammatory supplements

  1. #1
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    Default Anti Inflammatory supplements

    A friend emailed me this last night and I thought it was interesting. I'm not sure where she got it so I can't attribute a source. A quick Google search turned up nothing.

    Q: Are there supplements that will help with Wegener’s granulomatosis?
    — Tara F., Redondo Beach, Calif.

    A: Wegener’s granulomatosis is a disorder associated with vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels, especially the smaller blood vessels. It becomes especially problematic when the lungs and the kidneys are affected, as they cause the greatest risk to life. While no nutritional treatments have been scientifically studied, there are theoretical possibilities that could offer considerable benefit. Since this is an inflammatory disease, antiinflammatory supplements should help. The mainstream medical community is aware of the anti-inflammatory effect as well. In fact, powerful immune suppressant drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, prednisone, and methotrexate are the current medical treatments of choice to reduce the intense immune reactions. Unfortunately, all of these have considerable side effects and serious complications associated with their use.

    One hint for treatment comes from the fact that Wegener’s is less common in Japan than European countries and the U.S., and this may be due to a higher intake of omega-3 oils and flavonoids. The Japanese have some of the highest intakes of flavonoids from fruits and vegetables. Increasing one’s intake of omega-3 oils, as purified capsules or in liquid form, dramatically reduces symptoms and damage in a related autoimmune disease — Lupus. Taking 1,000 milligrams of fish oil daily can significantly reduce the immune attack and reduces inflammation.

    Any chronic inflammatory disease, as with Wegener’s, is associated with a depletion of magnesium, and magnesium can reduce inflammation, improve blood flow through the microvessels, and increase the cell’s antioxidant
    protection. Taking 500 milligrams of magnesium citrate/malate twice a day will accomplish this. For people with kidney damage, blood magnesium levels must be carefully monitored. Curcumin and quercetin both powerfully reduce inflammation and could be of benefit. They are best absorbed if mixed with extra-virgin olive oil. The dose is 500 milligrams of each three times a day with meals. It will reduce damage to the lung and kidneys, as well as other organs and tissues. A good multivitamin, without iron, is also essential. Vitamin C and the B vitamins are rapidly lost with chronic inflammatory diseases. Be sure to follow the dietary recommendation from my last two newsletters.
    I take fish oil myself. What do others think of this?
    Forum Administrator
    Diagnosed March 2003.
    Currently but not permanetly residing in Canberra, Australia.

  2. #2
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    Default Sounds good to me

    Everything mentioned in your article has everything I've been told about .
    My problem is what kind to buy? What do you look for when 25 different kinds of calcium citrate, fish oil....etc....from $2.00-$50.00 is offered?
    I try and read the labels and feel that the less of added ingredients should be better, but noticed that the higher price isn't always the best.
    So whadda ya do?

  3. #3
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    I have started my inflamatory diet (according to Dr Weil) along with weight watchers (same food recommendations) after getting advice from you last week (or was it two weeks ago?) Any way....I spend much time shopping for the right foods and take much time to prepare my meals, but I have to say, even in this short period of time, I am feeling much better. (unless my MXT suddenly started working). I too had read about the effects of fish oil and bought some supplements. It was my intention today to ask this group about taking these supplements. I did start them about a week ago as well. I think the combination of all of this and the drugs I am prescribed has made a difference in how I feel. I can't remember when I last felt as good as I do now. I am not even crabby at work (and I am the boss). I know it is spring here in MN but that can't be the reason for my good feeling because today (March 31) is is snowing again........lucky those of you who live in warmer climates!
    I have also had the energy to walk everyday. I walk about 2 miles in the morning and about 1 mile at night with my dogs. (Bree, Beck and Brinley). They are happy to have me back also. I live to make them happy ya know.
    Thank you for directing me toward Dr Weils Food pyramid and I encourage others to join in. I take a multi vitamin and fish oil supplements.
    Lisa Coffeelover (btw-I cut down on that too)

  4. #4
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    Default Supplements

    My professor is obsessed about my calcium intake - I have been taking AA all the way through this but now he also wants me to take Calcium every day. I have chosen the one with magnesium in it as I was getting cramps - look back over previous threads I have written re this - and the magnesium seemed to help. Rarely get them now. That's another improvement. Isn't it good to tick off another problem solved or improved!!!! thanks Sangye for your advice re keeping magnesium away from other medication.

  5. #5
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    Default Dr Weil?

    Where do we get the Dr Weils diet from? I guess I can just google it.

  6. #6
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    Default Flaxseed oil for depression

    Flaxseed oil is high in Omega 3 evidently. A friend who has MS says its the best thing for her depression. She takes 15 mls a day.

  7. #7
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    Thanks Andrew.

    What is the difference between Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Citrate/Malate?

    I take Quest Cal-Mag Complete. Each tablet contains: Calcium Citrate-250mg, Magnesium Oxide-250mg, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)-150mg, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)-2.5mcg, Zinc Citrate-10mg.

    I take 3 tablets with my first meal of the day and 3 tablets before bed with grapefruit juice to help absorption. I also take a Vitamin D3 tablet-25mcg, each time I take the Calcium tablets. This also helps with absorption and depression, I think.

    I also grind flax seeds every day, about 2/3 of a cup and down it with water during a meal. It is something I have been doing for many years and wouldn't want to live without it.

    Carol, what is AA?

    Lisa, thats awesome you have the energy to walk so much every day. Keep it up. Exercise is very important to overall health and healing.

    Carol, where is Lakes Entrance, Victoria?

    Over and Out,
    Phil of the north

  8. #8
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    Phil-- that's a decent regimen. Stick with Magesium citrate or malate. They're better absorbed than the oxide form. The best is Magnesium lactate, but it's harder to find. The quick-dissolve powders are good, too.

  9. #9
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    I add flax seed to my cereal every morning after grinding it in a coffee grinder. Masks the taste or lack ther of and I get my Omega 3 that way along witht he fish oil supplement.

  10. #10
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    Default AA??

    AA is alendronate acid - it's a tablet you take once a week on an empty stomach then have to wait half an hour before you eat foood. It's to build up your calcium to prevent calcium depletion due to taking the steroids. I don't know how it works. I was put on it at the very beginning but my rheumy also wants me to take calcium tablets as well. It's expensive - about $11 per tablet and I'm not eleigible to get it any cheaper through the government. Regards Carol

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